Before You Purchase
All you needs to know before purchasing 购买须知:
1. Do accept the good bugs leave their footprints on your vegetables as this is the best evidence of us without using any harmful chemicals on the plants. Please rinse thoroughly before cooking.
2. Do understand all the green leafy vegetables started to dried up right after they leave the soil. We encourage you to refresh it by soak it in a clean water for 20mins before cooking.
3. The vegetables may be wet due to the rain. Kindly open the wrapping paper and air dry the vegetables before storing to extend the storing period.
偶尔下雨天时冒雨收割的菜会比较湿, 请自行打开包装,把菜表面风干后再储存在冰箱里以延长保存期。
4. There are few varieties of vegetables in the value box, we suggest you to start with green leafy , then plant stem, bean, marrow, and leave the roots to the last as the storing period is the longest among all.
当您收到菜箱时,我们建议您先烹煮菜叶类,再来是瓜果类, 最后是地茎类。因为瓜果类和地茎类蔬果含水量比较高,存放时间会较菜叶类长。
5. We are using environmental friendly packaging to reduce the waste on earth. Thus, we encourage you to participate in our recycling campaign by returning the carton box which had marked with your name to us when we deliver your order. We will use the same box to deliver your order next round.
6. The varieties in value box are pre-fix by the farm harvest. We encourage you to try different vegetables and educate our next generation to appreciate the plants that provides our daily needs from mother earth. Meanwhile it is a good chance for the children to learn to accept all kind of foods. But you may tell us the vegetables that you couldn't consume due to health condition, we will make the best arrangement to avoid it from your value box.
7. Last but not lease, we would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to all of you who always showing your understanding and supports to us. It inspire us to keep on our best effort in organic planting. We promise to continue our effort in providing a high quality agricultural products that truly safe and clean to all of you.
最后,我们非常感谢您的认可、包容与支持,使我们在坚持有机耕种这条路上更有动力 。我们会继续努力为大家带来更多安全干净,可真正安心食用的有机农作物。